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New web site search function increased conversion by more than 60 percent

The digital services of Aurinkomatkat have been designed with clear-cut roles for the application and web site. On the web site, the key function is the trip search, so finding the right destination and hotel through the search is paramount. To ensure that the update would address the right issues, ideas were tested with an […]

The digital services of Aurinkomatkat have been designed with clear-cut roles for the application and web site. On the web site, the key function is the trip search, so finding the right destination and hotel through the search is paramount. To ensure that the update would address the right issues, ideas were tested with an active group of customers in the new trip search function’s design phase.

“The presentation of results in the new search makes it easy to compare the travel options available for different dates. You can use an extensive filter set to find the hotels and flights that meet your exact needs”, says Liisa Stenberg, the Qvik AD responsible for designing and concepting the Aurinkomatkat app and the web site’s new trip search function.

“Before, the details of the destination and hotel were separated from the site’s search function. Now, all hotel and destination information needed by users is logically available directly through the search.”

Noticeable impact on conversion and customer satisfaction

Use of the search function has been monitored closely since launch, and the service is constantly being improved through analytics. The results have been extremely positive, and it looks like users have embraced the service.

“In addition to ease of use and flexibility on all devices, we are striving for improved sales and a better customer experience through, for example, various algorithms and even better content”, says Ilari Pohjola, responsible for online sales and development at Aurinkomatkat. “The first changes made to the trip search have already improved conversion by 60 per cent from the old version, and customers are now even more satisfied with the agency’s digital services. These issues are critical for our business, since we sell nearly 85 per cent of all trips online.”

When the trip has been booked, the customer can continue with the Aurinkomatkat app. The application offers fun ways to plan and anticipate your trip and is also a big help at the destination.
